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Refresher Training – Class 1 Tractor Trailer

Interested in returning to the trucking industry? For candidates that hold a valid Class 1 license, but have  taken a break from the industry, we are pleased to offer a one week (40 hour) refresher program. Regain the confidence needed to restart your career as a professional driver! Course Length:  This refresher course is one […]

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Start Dates for 2018 Available Now!

The trucking, busing, and heavy equipment industries are facing a shortage of skilled workers due to an aging workforce, out migration, and an increase in business opportunities. Commercial Safety College is pleased to announce the following 2018 start dates for our industry recognized training programs. Tractor Trailer Internship Program Start Dates: January 2 January 29 February 26 […]

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Upcoming Information Sessions

Thinking about a career change? Consider starting a new career in Truck Driving or Heavy Equipment Operation! A representative of Commercial Safety College will be holding information sessions at Nova Scotia Works centres throughout Nova Scotia to promote the programs we offer. Tractor Trailer (Class 1) Internship Straight Truck (Class 3) Motor Coach (Class 2) […]

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